Along with the legal status of CBD products there’s some information floating around that may or may not make sense. You see most CBD products are derived from cannabis and even if they contain a negligible amounts of THC we still don’t make any claims for or against drug screens.

There’s too many independent factors that come into play. For example, dosing is based on your body and judgment. Anyone in the business knows that we don’t tell you exactly what to take. It’s different for everyone so there’s no right or wrong answer. 

The US government patent states that you can take up to 700 MG per day without any ill effects. That seems like a bit of a waste and you may very well get a nice headache or can’t get off of the couch.  Also another consideration is your metabolism, diet or how often you hydrate.

The fact is you can’t get high off CBD but there’s still a chance of not passing a drug screen. I’ve heard stories of people using full spectrum topical and oils then testing positive. It’s not impossible and it’s something that you should mention to the company you are talking with when purchasing product.

If you are concerned then I’d suggest either trying it for yourself and then taking a test from the pharmacy.  If you can’t take that risk then your other option is to seek out  CBD isolate products or go with Hemp-Free CBD.  If you have any questions feel free to reach out!

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